

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Embracing Christmas Chaos

Oh how Christmas sneaks up on us each year.  I swear if it's not snowing by the Friday after Thanksgiving it's hard to start thinking that Christmas is coming.  Since I live in the lovely state of Iowa it's just hard to get into the Christmas spirit without snow.  I know I will probably get a lot of crap from people that don't like the cold and snow, but I live in Iowa for the 4 seasons.  Granted 3 months of snow is all I like to see but I do like the changing seasons.  This morning snow brought the Christmas spirit out in me and my kiddos.  We decided to embrace all that is Christmas and cram everything we could in to today.

Paxton and Cyril talking to Santa to let him know what they want for Christmas.  This is the closest Piper has gotten to Santa without crying so we are making progress.  She even gave him a high five at the end and told her what she wanted. 

 My kiddos shoveling the driveway.  Okay before all the judgy judgy comments come up.  Yes, I let my kids shovel snow!  Yes, I helped a little!  Yes, they had asked me for 4 hours straight before this picture was taken to "please mom, when can we shovel the driveway?"  And yes they played in the little amount of snow that we had and had a blast after the driveway was clear. And yes, we came in and had some delicious hot chocolate with marshmallows.  Embracing the chaos by letting my kids help out.

We then decided to do some holiday baking so we finished up some Oreo truffles.  Yes I know they don't look perfect but I love having my kids help in the kitchen.  Why should I have all the fun cooking and cleaning when they want to help out?

And with a little help from some chocolate and red chips,

Viola!  Finished product!

Next thing waiting to be baked,  peanut butter cookies with Rolos.  My little helpers love to be in the kitchen with me especially when I am baking.  It might be because I pay in sugar!  They are taking the Rolo wrappers off for peanut butter cookies.  

Cyril concentrating on measuring out the flour for the cookies.

As Piper was literally running around the house, she realized she was missing out so she joined in rolling the dough into the sugar.

And finally Paxton wanted to help as well.

 Mmmmmm these are simple and delicious!  Peanut butter cookies with gooey Rolos in the middle.

My only rule in the kitchen is that everyone has to be kind and happy in the kitchen, otherwise they will "contaminate the cookies."  I learned at a very early age that my mom always put love in her food and that's why her's always tasted so much better.  Since I have grown up I can tell when people don't enjoy preparing their food.  You can taste the Love!  So if the kids are fighting while cooking/ baking they have to leave the kitchen until they love each other and then they can come back.  This way we don't "contaminate the cookies"

Hope you are all in the holiday spirit and embracing your chaos!

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