

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Pregnancy is Peculiar

Pregnancy is peculiar.  Pregnancy last 40 weeks and sometimes it feels like it takes forever and some days it seems to fly by.  One day you're going out to eat  where your husband is working and feel your boobs hurting so you chug a bunch of water and take a pregnancy test.  Showing up immediately the results that another little  bundle of joy is coming in 9 months.  You are not very good at keeping secrets like this to yourself so you tell your husband at his work while ordering food and it's busy that "hey, do you want me to tell you something to take your mind of work?"  You then break it to him that yes, even though he just opened a restaurant a couple months ago, get ready because we are soon to have 4 children.  Let's  fast forward to the last couple weeks of pregnancy when everyone in the family is getting ready for the little one to arrive and you are getting ready for work when all of a sudden you are doing your daily "throwing up routine" that's lasted your whole wonderful pregnancy and all of a sudden there is a loud pop in your back that sends you into tears and can't breathe, cough, laugh or cry without intense pain.

As you can see pregnancy is full of ups and downs but I don't think any Mom in the world would change it.  I for one am not one of those "loves to be pregnant ladies," but I still wouldn't change it for the world.   I know that each pregnancy is unique and peculiar and am astonished each day at how the human body works.

I will say the best thing about pregnancy besides the obvious end result of the baby is all the crazy thoughts that your hormonal and crazy self has while you are pregnant.

This is just a small crazy list of contradictory thoughts I have had while pregnant and hormonal:

I can't wait to meet the little one I just hope they are happy and healthy.
Is this baby ever going to come out?  Maybe she will come early

Oh good throwing up must mean everything's going well with the baby.
Oh man why am I still throwing up at 37 weeks pregnant.

When will I ever get out of this "fat stage" of pregnancy so people know I'm pregnant and not just bulking up for winter?
Oh man why does my belly have to be so big?  I can't wait until I get to wear normal pants again.

I'm going to try to have a "healthy" pregnancy for this one, let's see what that feels like.
More Chinese food please. I need chocolate. Extra cheese please! Let's bake some cookies! How many more carbs can I put on my plate?

As you see pregnancy is very peculiar.  Here's to all the mom's and soon to be momma's out there and all your funny and crazy stories of pregnancy.  Cheers to embracing your chaotic life.


  1. Enjoy reading these so much and can't wait to meet our new neighbor.

  2. Thank you so much! We are excited for the little one to arrive!
